Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, August 27, 2010

Week 41: In My Hospital Bag

As you all know, the big day came and went and here I am still as pregnant as ever! My hospital bag has been packed for about two weeks now and my anxiety is growing by the day. Here are a few things I've included:

My "couture" blue and tan leopard print hospital gown (hand made by my Mama)
IPod with my push playlist
Camera and video camera
Fuzzy Socks
Peanut butter and oatmeal cookies for the nurses (hopefully I can bribe them into giving us a "suite")
Two sets of nursing PJ's
My Laura Bush book
Refillable water bottle
Hand held fan
Sugar Free Jolly Ranchers (I won't be able to eat anything!)
Snacks for Carlysle
Three outfits for Rob

All you Mamas out there let me know if I'm leaving anything out!!

1 comment:

  1. Some baby socks and a baby hat? Their nails are pretty long when they are born but haven't seperated from the wick enough to cut with clippers so they scratch their little faces. I tried to cut Graham's when he was first born and ended up making him bleed. Uggg, worst feeling ever. You sound pretty prepared already! Yea!!!
