Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week 39: You Guessed It!

Still no signs of Rob making his appearance any time soon! This week's appointment was so funny though... Let me preface this story by saying that I absolutely love my doctor; she is young, funny, extremely smart, always answers all of my questions and never makes me feel rushed. We have developed a very jovial-banter type relationship over the past nine months. So yesterday when she walked in the room I was perched on the table, ready for my weekly exam and I swung my feet up in the stirrups and said enthusiastically: "Okay I'm ready to push!" She starts cracking up and says: "Just let me know when you want me to schedule you!" We were both laughing but I was serious when I told her that I really don't want to be induced. I explained that I'm not against medical intervention at all but if I'm healthy and the baby's healthy, what's the rush? (You have NO idea how hard it is for me to not jump at the chance to be induced. I am the most hyper-scheduled person ever and HATE surprises, I just have this weird gut feeling that I need to wait.) She agreed but explained that the placenta is only designed to do it's job for a certain length of time (40 weeks) and after that period of time, it can start to deteriorate and not allow the baby to receive the proper nutrients and oxygen. So I told her I'll wait as long as she'll let me.

Before the exam, I had an ultrasound to check Rob's weight -- which is currently 8 lbs (plus or minus one pound margin of error), the amniotic fluid level, heart rate (139 bpm), fetal movement, etc. Everything is great, the doctor said my fluid is actually much higher than normal. The ultrasound technician said he wasn't moving around very much, he must have been taking a nap or he's run out of room and she kept commenting on how large his belly was! So basically she told me my baby was fat and lazy haha! He has a tiny bit of hair, she said it's probably 1mm long, we could kind of see it waving around on his head.

So again, no contractions, no pre-labor signs... I honestly feel the exact same as I did when I was 20 weeks pregnant. I'm banking my hopes on the fact that next Wednesday is a full moon. Please keep sending labor vibes my way!!!

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