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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week 37: Baby Update and Non-Baby Obsessions

Okay, first ... the update. So I definitely know the drill at the Doctor's office by now and the past three visits I've heard the same story-- No dilation, effacement or any evidence of pre-labor signs. Mama makes a good home : ) This time I kept thinking "All I want for my birthday is to be dilated to AT LEAST 1cm shoot, I would even take .5cm!" haha! But sure enough ... nothing. I'm sure he would stay in there until October if we let him but this week the doctor informed me that we'll be doing an ultrasound next Wednesday to check fluid levels and if they're not to her liking we'll set a date for induction. You might be just as confused by this information as I was at first--I was thinking: "Induction? It's August 10th and I'm not due until August 28th!" She must have noticed the perplexed look on my face because she said "do you have any dates in mind?" To which I replied: "Um, no, I really don't want to induce unless we absolutely have to! Now I'm not too sure I'll feel the same way if I'm still pregnant in September...." and she said: "September! Honey your due date is next weekend (Aug 21st) I will not allow you to go into September still pregnant." Okay 1. Am I already a bad Mom for mistaking MY OWN DUE DATE?!!! I mean, granted, it's changed a million and one times since conception but still! This whole time I was thinking I had two, three maybe even four weeks left! But she informed me that it is FOR SURE August 21st and she won't let me go a week past my due date. So that's that. I REALLY don't want to be induced so please send lots of labor vibes my way and lets hope that I start on my own!!!! Which is highly unlikely considering the only pre-labor symptom I've experienced so far is what I like to refer to as "lightning crotch." I'm sure that's not the Harvard Medical School term for it but that's the best way to describe it -- a sharp, piercing pain down there that the doctor says is "completely normal" (yeah right!) and is caused by a muscle spasm due to lots of stress on the Round Ligament (helps to hold the Uterus in place). It hurts so bad it literally takes my breath away and then goes away just as fast as it started. FUN!

Okay on to the next ... I've been trying to stay occupied with non-baby stuff to stay sane so here are some of my latest fixations:

In My Tummy: CRAVE Cupcakes -- Oh. My. Gosh. I don't care what kind of diet you're on, you must try one of these ASAP. It's in Uptown Park (Houston) and they are TO DIEEEEE FOR! And no, they will not be a part of my post-preggo diet :(

On My Nightstand: Spoken From the Heart by Laura Bush -- I have just always thought so highly of Mrs. Bush; she is so poised, beautiful and classy and I think women everywhere could learn a lot from her grace regardless of how you feel about politics. I also LOVE her West Texas roots, both sets of my grandparents are from Midland/Odessa and my Great Aunt Patricia knew Mrs. Bush personally.

In My Makeup Bag: Tarina Tarantino Dollface Powder -- Google it and check out the fabulous compact!!! Now everyone knows my obsession with all things sparkley so yes, I was initially attracted to the compact. BUT the powder is really great too :)

On My Radar: Major splurge = Post baby vacay to Napa Valley, but I'll settle for a romantic dinner to Nino's for my birthday :)

1 comment:

  1. Crave cupcakes are the best!!!! And they do breast cancer ones in October!
