Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 36: Antsy Pants

I'm now going to the Doctor once a week and it is really starting to sink in how close D Day is. If there are any males reading this (which I highly doubt) you may want to stop here if you don't like hearing about "girl stuff."

The purpose of these frequent visits are to check for cervical progress such as dilation and effacement (opening and softening, respectively). At my last appointment (the first of my weekly visits) I almost asked not to be checked for two reasons: 1. If I was dilated at all I would just be even more antsy--if that's even possible--thinking that I could go any day now! And 2. If I wasn't dilated at all I would just be super bummed out thinking I was going to be pregnant forever. She went ahead and checked me and said: "you're closed up tighter than Ft. Knox but he's beautifully low." I think she could sense some disappointment in my demeanor so she quickly reminded me that it's only the very beginning of August and my due date is August 28th and no woman on record has stayed pregnant forever ... plenty of time for progress! So as for now Mama has made a good home for Rob and he is super comfy; no signs of wanting to vacate the uterus! She also checked my amniotic fluid level and said I have "tons of fluid" and when my water breaks I will definitely know it. That night, I had a dream my water broke at Juanito's haha! My blood pressure has also managed to stay pretty low ... usually in the third trimester it creeps up and is a major reason for early induction. All in all, I ended up being very happy that she checked me, it gave me a whole new dose of patience knowing that he will come when he's ready, not when I want him to. He can stay in there and cook for as long as he needs to (However, I may change my tune if I'm heading into September with no baby!). I've realized that no matter how early I may be to everything, he may not have inherited Mama's punctuality gene!

I know it may seem early to be getting antsy but let me tell you about the misery of weeks of 105 heat index when you're 8.5 months pregnant. Now, I am not a complainer at all and I've had a wonderful pregnancy but when people tell you the last month is the hardest, they are RIGHT! For one, I am so ready to hold my sweet baby in my arms and see his face. Two, I wish I could roll over in bed without a big production and internal pep talk. Three, I'm tired of peeing my pants every time I sneeze or cough (sorry if TMI)...and yes, I've done Kegels but they're no match for a 7 pound baby on my bladder. Four, I want to be able to shave my legs and tie my shoes both of which Carlysle has been graciously assisting me with and Five the swelling has started limiting me to flip flops and tennis shoes and I am NOT happy about losing my high heel privilege! Yes, I now have sausage feet/cankles and none of my rings fit. However, I keep telling myself to keep my eye on the prize and I'll get out his 3d/4d ultrasound pictures, smile and know that this prize is worth sacrificing anything, including my favorite heels : )

1 comment:

  1. I cant wait to hold him either :) You are such a good mama to him already that he wants to stay in your tummy for as long as he can!
    I am in trouble with the whole peeing in my pants when I am pregnant!
    I miss you. xoxo
