Pregnancy Ticker

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Week 32: Shower Power!

So the last baby shower has come and gone and I'm just thinking to myself how grateful I am to have had them early because it's going to take me at least a month or so to sort through the duplicates, return stuff, open the parent-proof boxes and assemble everything with parent-proof directions. So now it's just a waiting game ... up until this point it seems like my pregnancy has flown by at warp speed and now I'm getting antsy! The nursery is completely finished, the bassinet is put together and ready to go and we've had run-through car seat installations. I haven't packed the hospital bag yet, I think I'll save that until week 37! I know I'm probably (definitely) over-doing all this ahead of time but I just hate to procrastinate when it comes to anything and I feel 100% less anxious when I get stuff done. It is also getting hotter and hotter outside and I'm getting bigger and bigger which is not the most fun combination! However, I have been enjoying my pregnancy-induced gastric bypass--Rob's getting so big I think my stomach is all squished up somewhere near my lungs so everytime I eat it seems like I get full after about three bites. I'm currently on a smoothie kick; I've been going to Froberg's farmers market once a week for fresh berries and having a protein smoothie every morning YUM! I will post some updated belly pics soon :)

Weekly Womb Workings

As of my last appointment, Rob is head down and ready to go! He's spending his days blinking, looking around, grabbing things, making faces, practicing his breathing, peeing and listening to everything around him—pretty much exactly what he'll be doing for the first three months of his life, sans the audience and the flashing camera. He weighs about four pounds will probably gain about a half a pound a week from here on out!

1 comment:

  1. Showers are fun!
    Yay to babies getting bigger :) Cant wait till he gets here and we can fatten him up!
