Here we go! This is the last leg of the Mt. Everest Journey my body will undergo in order to produce our little being. Before the horror stories of the third trimester come to life, I wanted to document all the wonderful things about pregnancy before I’m too huge, hot and miserable to remember how much fun I’ve had the first two-thirds of the trip. So I’ve decided to do my top ten favorite things about being pregnant:
10. Good Skin: After the ultra hormone-induced teenage acne of my first trimester and after the lizard skin (see week 23 for details) of most of the second trimester, I am finally enjoying the pregnancy glow look and I love it!
9. Expectant Mom Parking Spots: I’m not going to lie…before I got pregnant; these parking spots always irritated me. I thought to myself: “don’t pregnant women need exercise?” Well, now that I’m 7 months pregnant, it’s June in Houston, my lower back hurts all the time and it’s becoming increasingly harder to breath due to my lungs being smushed by my uterus, I TOTALLY understand the parking spots and I’m very thankful for them : )
8. Feeling Him Kick: There’s really no explanation for this one, if you’re a mom, you know. If you’re not a mom it’s pretty hard to describe and explain but it’s the coolest, most wonderful feeling in the world!
7. Baby Showers: I love a good party and all of my baby showers have been a BLAST!!! It has been so much fun to get together with friends and family who love and care about us so much. I know after little Rob gets here, our visits with friends might be a little more sporadic so it’s really great to visit everyone before the real chaos begins.
6. Sucking In (or lack thereof): It seems like I’ve been sucking in since the second grade so after I hit the twenty week mark and had a little baby bump, I decided … what’s the point of trying to suck in? I’m embracing my expanding belly and letting go of trying to hold it in (which is basically impossible at this point).
5. Shopping for Baby Clothes: All I have to say is keep me out of Baby Gap!!!
4. Decorating the Nursery: I’m having the best time putting everything together for baby Rob’s nursery! It’s such a cool feeling to wash, fold and organize his clothes and try to imagine what he’ll look like sleeping in his crib.
3. The Ultrasounds: This goes without saying, but the 3d ultrasound was the most amazing experience of them all. The detail in the pictures and the ability to see his features is just incredible! When I feel like I still have a long way to go before I meet him, I can look at the pictures and see his little face.
2. Having such a sweet husband to experience the journey with me: I must say that I feel beyond blessed to have such a wonderful, caring and supportive husband. He has been so excited from day one and has gone to EVERY Doctor’s appointment with me (I don’t expect that to continue as I’m approaching my bi-monthly appointments, he does have a job, after all). He’s up for anything, whether I’m craving ice cream or exercise. He’s also there to offer a backrub every night which has been a lifesaver lately as the baby is getting bigger. Thanks honey!!!
1. My favorite thing about being pregnant is the fact that I’m growing a life inside of me! I realize that millions of women have babies everyday (and before I got pregnant, I really didn’t think much about it) but when it’s your body and your child, it really sinks in what a miracle it is. One day early in my second trimester, Carlysle came home from work and we exchanged the usual “Hi honey, how was your day?” And I thought for a second, smiled, and said “It was wonderful! According to this book, I made Rob’s brain, eyes and started on his lungs today!” It’s just amazing to know that I’m growing a little human inside of me.
I love your top ten :) And I cant wait to ask you questions when its my turn!